
Net-zero emissions by 2040: Krones has defined more stringent sustainability targets

It has been officially confirmed: Following a resolution by the Executive Board, Krones is aiming to reduce its greenhouse gas emissions to net zero by 2040 - along the entire value chain. “In view of the latest forecasts issued by climate researchers, each and every one of us needs to know that our planet has reached a dangerous turning point,” explains Krones’ CEO Christoph Klenk. “As far as climate change is concerned, all of us - businesses, politicians, individuals - are in this together. Even now, it is still...


Mitsubishi Electric robotic arm Melfa RV-12CRL

The successful interaction of components throughout the production process and fast response times to automation trends are crucial to a company's success. The new Melfa robot arms from Mitsubishi Electric combine advanced hardware, intelligent software and seamless integration into the digital manufacturing environment. They therefore offer users the best possible conditions for the flexible, digital transformation of their production.

Buyers Guide

Case Studies

SIG took over the production of stand-up pouches with closures for the Chamyto yoghurt line from DPA Brasil

SIG and DPA Brasil have entered into a strategic partnership. The packaging machine producer is strengthening its activities on the Brazilian market. DPA Brasil produces chilled dairy products such as yoghurts, dairy desserts, fermented milk, Petit Suisse and cottage cheese. The company has been part of the French Lactalis Group since 2023. Brands such as Leite Moça, Nescau Prontinho, Nature's Heart, Nesquik and others are already part of SIG's customer base in Brazil. For the Chamyto brand yoghurt line, SIG has also...

White Paper


From society to politics to industry - everyone acknowledges that a functioning circular economy is necessary to meet climate goals. Everyone also agrees that the use of recyclates must be significantly increased. But there are a number of obstacles and problems along the way. For example, not enough recyclates are available in sufficient quantity and suitable quality. 
