
Disposable syringes affected by upstream X-ray testing are not only discovered and disposed of once the high-priced preparation is already contained, but are withdrawn from circulation long before they are filled

Making critical defects such as bent needles or punctured protective caps recognizable. This task is solved for the first time by the Heuft Syringer for the in-line inspection of pre-fillable syringes. Pulsed X-rays are used for this purpose already in the manufacturing process of the booming disposable injection...

Euroverde protects its product range with x-rays from Sesotec

Euroverde Societa Agricola in Azzano Mella in the province of Brescia in Lombardy stands for tradition and craftsmanship in vegetable growing. With more than 60 years of experience, the family-run company now has three farms, more than 100 employees and 200 hectares of land under cultivation, turning a wide variety of...